Menu Belchamp Walter History

The History of Belchamp Walter

Belchamp Walter Church and Hall
Belchamp Walter Church and Hall

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The references used for this history

These are many and are listed below:


Geneological data was found on the many websites that have sprung up to service the ever popular quest for individuals to research their families. I admit I have a problem with this as there seems to be a proliferation of mis-information to be found on such sites. I started my research in this area from the Alan Freer family tree of William the Conqueror. The name of the current owner of Belchamp Hall can be found on Alan's tree if you make an Internet search.

There is a current (2023) guide to the church with coloured photographs, it is availble for purchase in the Church.

When enquiring what the source/reference was for the accounts found in the church I was told that nobody knew. This is why I presented (PDFs and direct quotes) all of the accounts "as is", and left to the visitor to determine what the correct facts are. I have now ascertained who the author of the church guides was.

These accounts also relate to information on the village of Belchamp Walter itself.




  • Historic England - https://
  • - https:// index.html - seems to be a front for FindMyPast and
  • Protestation Return: Essex: Hinckford Hundred: Belchamp Walter - 1641 - https:// /HL/PO/JO/10/1/91/6
  • Joe Blake - born 1882 Belchamp Walter - Played football for Tottenham Hotspur (1905) and Southhampton (1905-1920) - - born 1882 Belchamp Walter

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