Anne Sparrow/Raymond
This page is page of a history of the region of Belchamp Walter. The primary information is taken from Thomas Wright's Topography of Essex.
Some of this needs a re-write
John Raymond I (first of Belchamp Walter) married Anne Sparrow of Gestingthorpe (according to Familypedia - this does not agree with Alan Freer) and their son was Oliver Raymond John Raymond 1 died 1635.
John Raymond I (first of BW) was the purchaser of Belchamp Hall from John Wentworth in 1611.
Oliver Raymond married Francis Harris and their oldest son was
St. Clere Raymond.
Oliver and Francis had 20 other children.
Oliver Raymond the heir on the disinheritance of his older brother St. Clare. The family line was passed to
John Raymond II (second of BW) ,
the Grandson of Oliver and Francis.
St.Clere Raymond, the oldest son, was disinherited as a result of his marriage to Anne Warkham, daughter of Lawrence Warkham.
Oliver and Francis didn't seem to fair well with their kids, disinheriting St. Clere and what is wrong with a Silk Merchant? and what happended to the William and the rest of the brood?
The family line was passed on to the Grandson, and son of St. Clere (the disinherited), John Raymond II (or could be third - have to check dates).
Anne Raymond and Charles Dister
The Familpedia website says that Anne Sparrow and John Raymond's daughter Anne married Charles Dister. It is the opinion of the webmaster that this source could be a figment of the imagination of those that use the Fandom platform.
The date of 1640 represents a time when not a lot was recorded in Belchamp Walter and was contemporary with the English Civil War. Oliver Raymond, MP for Essex and serving on the confederate Parliaments in 1653 and 1656, died in 1679/ His father, John Raymond I died in 1635 and the official record of events does not seem to exist. However, the fsmily memorial in the church of St. Mary's Belchamp Walter does give a clue to the significance of what might have been happening at the time.
The fact that the Belchamp Walter estate was sold to Thomas Ruggles in 1741 may also explain the lack of record keeping over the intervening priod. Whether this was in any way related to the Civil War it is not known.
John Sparrow was the owner of Overhall, Gestingthorpe from 1608 to 1622.
The quotes above and below are from - they are noy reflected in either thomas wrights acount or the Freer research.