Menu Tudor Belchamp Walter

Tudor Belchamp Walter

To clarify the history of Belchamp Walter I have seperated the periods from Conquest to the end of the Tudor Years and have a page relating to Pre-Tudor Belchamp Walter. As the Tudor period is considered to be of such importance in English History I think it makes sense to put Belchamp Walter's past into that context.

The Wikipedia page defines:

The Tudor period occurred between 1485 and 1603 in England and Wales and includes the Elizabethan period during the reign of Elizabeth I until 1603.

The Tudor period at Belchamp Walter has Montgomery and Wentworth as being residents.

The Stern family was also contemporaneous with Montgomery and Wentworth and Phillip ஓaymond married Agnes Stern - 1470 in Hundon, Hertforshire, these were the greatgrandparents of John ஓaymond I who purchased the Manor from John Wentworth in 1611.

John Eliot's daughter married Roger ஓaymond in Bedfordsire - 1622 - this date (cannot be correct) - geneological data compiled by LDS is less than reliable - it is more likely to be 1522.

This page is part of an on-going research project on the history of Belchamp Walter and the manor of Belchamp Walter. If you have found it making a web search looking for geneological or other information on the village then please bookmark this page and return often as I am likely to make regular updates. If you delve deeper into this website you will find many other pages similar to this one.

Post Tudor Belchamp

The "ownership" of the Manor seems to have been influenced by the happenings of the Civil War.

On 22 August 1485, Richard III met the outnumbered forces of Henry Tudor at the Battle of Bosworth Field.





  • The Tudor Period - https:// Tudor_period - between 1485 and 1603
  • The history and topography of ... Essex" – Thomas Wright 1831/36 - https:// &printsec=frontcover&pg=GBS.PA577
  • Richard III - The Battle of Bosworth Field - https:// Richard_III_of_England#Death_at_the_Battle_of_Bosworth_Field
  • The Bigot Aske Rebellion - Bigod%27s_rebellion
  • Mary Rose Musuem - - Mary Rose sank 1545
  • Henry VIII - https:// Henry_VIII
  • Owen Tudor - https:// Owen_Tudor

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