Sensitive Years
Menu Belchamp Walter - 1550-1720

Belchamp Walter - 1550-1720 - "Pre pre Ruggles"

These are the years between 1550 and 1720. I believe that the history of Belchamp Walter were influenced by activities in general in Great Britain in that time frame and the local history has to be viewed with those in mind.

For this reason I have chosen to keep some pages out of search engines indexes. This is due to the way that Internet users seem to make searches today. These searches that find my pages are more probably made be those looking for information on contemporaries than by those interested in the history of Belchamp Walter.

The political climate and the general lack of documentation make the disemination of local history difficult, this is also further confused by those building their personal family trees where "guesses" have been made to connections.


The documentation that I can find is from the written accounts by Thomas Wright and Wilhelmina Powlett in her Battle Abbey Roll

This is supplemented by the family tree of Alan Freer - Descendants of William I and the Stirnet Family tree found on the Internet making a search.

These two independently compiled (I am supposing) show a fair amount of correlation. I have added some dates and links to other research on this website. In addition, the dates correlate with those from the family monuments seen in St. Mary's Church. As far as I know nobody else has translated the names on the Robert Taylor monument from Latin and cross-referenced them along with the dates to other geneology sources.

Sensitivity or just lack of record keeping?

I started this page thinking that there was a large amount of sensitivity in discussing this time period with respect toBelchamp Walter. I am now not so sure and am more of the opinion that the recording of those families relating to the village were just poorly documented. While there is plenty of information relating to the years 1611 up to the present day (or at least the 1960's), as this is either found on the walls of the Church or in family trees that can easily be found making an Internet search.

Prior to 1611 the chronology was largely to be found in obscure IPMs or other archived documents. .............. more

For example, the family crests on the Tower in the Church are poorly documented, apart from what I seem to have dug out. This is not "patting myself on the back", the Heraldry was documented in detail by Peter Rushbrook in 1999. The arms of Botetourt, FitzOthes and de Beauchamp are all identified along with what I was assuming was the crest of the Stern family, which Peter gives the name Bugge.

The Stern (Bugge) coat of arms is displayed at the top of the menu of this page. The accrediation of the creast to Stern came originally (from my research) from the BHO entry for St. Mary's. Actually, the BHO entry mixes the Raymond and Stern arms in the description of the shields on the tower of the Church.

What exactly happened with St. Clere?

1650? - 1653 Oliver Raymond MP and Frances Harris married. St. Clere first son. Charles Dister's son apprenticed to St. Clere.

Thomas Wright's account makes no mention of Dister

The NOINDEX Meta Tag

I added this to my page on The East India Company and so far it has not been included in Google's index. I am presuming that it is not included in other major search engines such as Bing.

The reason that I added the tag to this page as it potentially has both names of the person I believe would misinterprite the connection between this website and their names. I have not added to some of the other potentially sensitive pages but I have tried to obfuscate the names using non-standard characters.

Other pages may have the NOINDEX Meta tag added if I change them to have the real name. I will put links to those pages on this page.




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