Index of Villages
This is the design page for a table to select pages on the website by the name of the village or town.
The page is primarily for viewing on a small display. It is based on the list of villages in the Thomas Wright history
of Essex plus other places that I have added that are near to Belchamp Walter.
The selection of villages from the list transcribed from Thomas Wright is not easy as I wanted to preserve the formatting
of his original list as much as I could. The other of the place names is also in keeping
with the way that Thomas
wrote his book. I.e. he started off with Halsted and Pebmarsh and ended with Felsted.
Thomas' list is not alphabetical and locations are roughly grouped.
The villages and towns of North Essex and South Suffolk
- "The history and topography of ... Essex" – Thomas Wright 1831/36 -
https:// id=SgQVAAAAQAAJ
&printsec=frontcover&pg=GBS.PA577 - the primary basis for building this list
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