Waldingfield, Suffolk
The village and lands ot Waldingfield have a great amount of history and are key to understanding the early history of the Sudbury, Suffolk region.
The manors of Waldingfield, in keeping with many other communities in the region, are mentioned in Little Domesday. According to "The Manors of Suffolk" in the time of Edward the Confessor the three manors were "held" by Ulwin, Ulric and Alvera.
Suffolk Manors
In Saxon times there were three manors here one held by Ulwin, another by Uluric King Edward's thane, and a third by Alvera, the mother of Earl Morchar. The first was at the time of the Great Survey vested in Aubrey de Vere in chief of the King. It consisted of 2 carucates of land with soc and sac, 4 villeins, 10 bordars, 4 slaves, 2 ploughteams in demesne and 2 belonging to the men, 4 acres of meadow, wood for 4 hogs, i horse at the Hall, 3 beasts, 16 hogs and 100 sheep, and was valued at 5 pounds. The length was 12 quarantenes and the breadth 3, and it paid in a gelt 6d. f
Another manor was smaller and consisted of i carucate of land which Ranulf Ilger's brother held as a gift from King William with soc and sac. The particulars in the Confessor's time consisted of I villein, 3 bordars, i ploughteam, 4 acres of meadow, 2 beasts, 12 hogs and 20 sheep, and the value was then assessed at 30 shillings. By Norman times however, there was an additional ploughteam, 4 additional hogs, and 10 more sheep, and the value was assessed at 40 shillings. 2
The rest of the land in Waldingfield not expressedly held as a manor was in several small holdings that of Roger de Poictou, which in the Confessor's time had been held by Woolmer the thane under Harold, namely a carucate of land with soc, which had i villein, 5 bordars, i slave, 2 ploughteams in demesne, wood for 3 hogs, 4 acres of meadow, i horse, 2 beasts, and 12 hogs, and stood at the value of 30 shillings. This, by Norman times, was valued at 40 shillings, the only variation in the details being that the slave and the hogs had disappeared.
The estate was half a league long and half broad, and paid in a gelt fyd. whoever might hold. There was also a Church benefice with 30 acres. 3
Then there was the holding of the Abbot of St. Edmunds who had IT freemen with half a carucate of land, 3 bordars, and 2 acres of meadow. The men could give or sell their land, but the soc, commendation and service were the Abbot's. This holding was valued at 10 shillings and paid id. in a gelt. 4 A third holding was that of Richard, son of Earl Gislebert, who had 3 freemen under Wisgar by commendation and soc and sac, holding 1 carucate, 45 acres of land, and 9 bordars. In Saxon times there were 3 ploughteams, later 2, and by the time of the Survey i only. Also 3 acres of meadow, i rouncey, 2 beasts, 93 sheep, and wood for 3 hogs; all valued at 50 shillings, then held by Elinaut of Richard. There was also the third part of a church benefice with 10 acres of free land. Richard son of Earl Gislebert as Domesday tenant in chief, also in Waldingfield, had 2 freemen, and one under Robert, son of Wimarc by commendation, both under Witgar by soc and sac, holding 2 carucates of land and 9 acres of meadow, 2 ploughteams, 9 beasts, 37 hogs, 69 sheep, and n goats valued at 50 shillings, and paying 6d. in a gelt, whoever was the holder. The extent of this holding was 4 quarantenes long and 4 broad. 5 The only other little holding was that of Ranulf Peverell, who had 5 freemen with 72 acres. 6