The Chinery family of Belchamp Walter
Menu The Chinery family of BW

The Chinery family of Belchamp Walter

The Chinery family is listed in both the 1851 and 1891 censuses of Belchamp Walter to which I have access.

The 1851 census is just an index and I can only guess on the locations that the Chinery's resided. The '91 census has the family at:

  • Boarded Cottage - thought to be near Croft Cottages on Hall road today
  • 8 Otten Road - possibly one of the houses that are presntly on Otten Road but it may have been one of the 11 listed in the 1891 census.
  • 8 Chapel Hill
  • 2 Green Common.

The 1851 Census

There 40 with the surname in the 1851 census.


The 1851 census:

1st family:

Name DOB - Year Age Birthplace
Sarah Chinery 177576 Belchamp St Paul
David Chinery191932 Belchamp Walter
Martha Chinery182130 Hundon
Alfred Chinery18438 Hundon
Walter Chinery18456 Belchamp Walter
Emma Chinery18474 Belchamp Walter
George Chinery18502 months Belchamp Walter

2nd family:

This page is part of a series that are based on the Families of Belchamp Walter.

Information was gathered from the following sources:

If your family name is the one featured on this page or you are a relative of them, please drop me a line and I will gladly try to help you in your search. Similarly, if you have information on your relative and you would like me to post, then I would be more than happy.

Email: Martin in Belchamp Walter -


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