The Chinery family of Belchamp Walter
The Chinery family is listed in both the 1851 and 1891 censuses of Belchamp Walter to which I have access.
The 1851 census is just an index and I can only guess on the locations that the Chinery's resided. The '91 census has the family at:
- Boarded Cottage - thought to be near Croft Cottages on Hall road today
- 8 Otten Road - possibly one of the houses that are presntly on Otten Road but it may have been one of the 11 listed in the 1891 census.
- 8 Chapel Hill
- 2 Green Common.
The 1851 Census
There 40 with the surname in the 1851 census.
The 1851 census:
1st family:
Name | DOB - Year | Age | Birthplace |
Sarah Chinery | 1775 | 76 | Belchamp St Paul |
David Chinery | 1919 | 32 | Belchamp Walter |
Martha Chinery | 1821 | 30 | Hundon |
Alfred Chinery | 1843 | 8 | Hundon |
Walter Chinery | 1845 | 6 | Belchamp Walter |
Emma Chinery | 1847 | 4 | Belchamp Walter |
George Chinery | 1850 | 2 months | Belchamp Walter |
2nd family:
This page is part of a series that are based on the Families of Belchamp Walter.
Information was gathered from the following sources:
- Censuses for Belchamp Walter
- The Burial Records for the Parish Council Cemetery
- The Belchamp Walter Roll of Honour for those that served in the Great War
- The War Memorial
- Various local newspapers from the 19th and 20th Centuries
- Word of mouth.
If your family name is the one featured on this page or you are a relative of them, please drop me a line and I will gladly try to help you in your search. Similarly, if you have information on your relative and you would like me to post, then I would be more than happy.
Email: Martin in Belchamp Walter -