Menu Below the fold

Below the fold

As my pages are gathering more and more Impressions and I have edited some of them so that they do not appear too high when a search is made for a local residents "name" and "village" I have decided also to move some of the content to below the fold.

This is contrary to what most web designers are trying to achieve:


Most designers of web pages try to place the most relevant information towards the top of the displayed screen. While this in general is a good idea, especially hyperlinks to other pages on your site, in the "mobile age" I don't think that you can use the same phylosophy.

The mobile user will scroll the page automatically as that is the normal way a webpage is viewed on a small screen.

What Anthony Brebion at says:

The placement of things that you want your visitors to see.

" Above the fold remains an important part of website design, although the notion has become more and more complex with each passing year. While it may not be seen as consequential as it once was, it still requires understanding and consideration for all websites seeking to present an engaging experience for their visitors. "

In some situations you may want the casual visitor not to see some things but you want the search engines to find and index the content.

Google Analytics 4 allows you to track whether a visitor scrolls a visited screen. So if you have content below the fold you will see if the visitor is likely to have seen it.


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