Menu Name Search

Making a search for "name" and "village"

As I was saying before with respect to the perils of SEO, if you make a search for a local residents name and the village the result may be confusing to those that find it.

In some ways I find this amusing but overall it is just sad. I may well be being paranoid and making the assumption that anyone making a search finding the correlation between a name and the village may be confused. However, reactions to my post so far bear this theory out.


Testing this theory out a search for a name and the village now reveals some listings from Companies House.

If I am not careful I will be accused of trying to destroy another business if I make a comment!

#1 on Google

I guess the potential is here? I have worked out how to post a webpage that will appear at the top or near the top of an Internet search. I should use this ability with caution!

I could apply this knowledge to the Village Hall and any events that they may want to promote. I can also do this for the Friends of St. Mary's, all they need to do is ask" However, there is far too much emphasis on Facebook and the concept of anyone making an Internet search for something is beyond most in the village.

The Darkside of SEO

The more I get in to the analysis of the Impressions that my pages get in the Google World the more suspicious I get.

Apart from the Impressions on pages that are related to web design, the main thrust of this website, there are a significant number of those that appear to be searches for local names and the village.

This situation is fluid as I have been making changes to pages so that names are not as prevalent at the top of a page and I I have been moving the village name from the menus. Also, I have been adding Description Tags in the hope that search engines will use this text in SERPs.

Replacing occurences of local names

I seem to have overlooked some pages

In addition there are other pages where potentially contentious content can be moved to below the fold.


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