Menu Humphrey Tyrrell

Humphrey Tyrrell - of Codham Hall

Humphrey Tyrrell inherited Codham Hall, Gosfield from a decendant of William de Coggeshall died without heirs. Ralph de Coggeshall "aquired" Codham Hall, Ralph died in 1313. Humphrey Tyrell married Eleanor (Alice?) de Coggeshall.

Humphy Tyrrell from the Visitations of Essex 1558 - Screenshot

A transcription of some of the above screenshot:

" Sr Roger Wentworth Knight son & heyre to Henry, weded Anne doughter of Humfrey Tyrrell, 2 son of Sr Thom. Terell of Heron & Izabell, doughter and heyre of John Helyon of Essex esquyer and hath issu Sr John Wentworth son and heyre, Henry 2 son, Roger 3 son, John 4 son,
Margaret weded to .John Barney of Redam in the Counte of Norfolk. esquyer, Lora weded to Edmond Shawe, after to Edward thyrdly to Fraunces Clopton. "

This page is part of an on-going research project on the history of Belchamp Walter and the manor of Belchamp Walter. If you have found it making a web search looking for geneological or other information on the village then please bookmark this page and return often as I am likely to make regular updates. If you delve deeper into this website you will find many other pages similar to this one.


The connection between Tyrell (Tirrell) and Helion (Hyllinyn) can be seen on my Swynborne page.

It can also be seen on my Gernon page. Both of these relate forward to Roger Wentworth. My page on the Essex Archaeological Society shows the connection to Swynbourne, Boutetort, Rolfe, Gernon plus other families.

Background to this page

Having seen some of my history pages being found by those making an Internet search I have decided to add a bit more context on how the pages came about.

Alice (Coggeshall) Tyrrell (1382 - 1422)

This is where the connection to Wentworth and the possible residency in Belchamp Manor.

James Tyrrell ( 1445 - 1502)

Supposed executioner of the "Princes in the Tower".

Thomas More claims that he confessed and Shakespere portrays him as being recuited by Richard III (then Duke of Gloucester) to kill both children.

In 1469, Tyrrell married Anne Arundel, the daughter of John Arundel of Lanherne, by his first wife, Elizabeth Morley, daughter of Thomas, Lord Morley,[1] by whom he had three sons and a daughter:

  • Sir Thomas Tyrrell (d. 1551) of Gipping, who married firstly Margaret Willoughby, daughter of Christopher Willoughby, 10th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, by whom he had a son, Sir John Tyrrell (d. 1574), who married Elizabeth Munday, the daughter of Sir John Munday (d. 1537), Lord Mayor of London, and a daughter, Anne Tyrrell, who married Sir John Clere of Ormesby.[10][11][12]
  • James Tyrrell (d. 1539) of Columbine Hall in Stowupland, who married Anne Hotoft.[13][14]
  • William Tyrrell.
  • Anne Tyrrell, who married Sir Richard Wentworth (d. 1528) of Nettlestead, by whom she was the mother of Thomas Wentworth, 1st Baron Wentworth.

From Prerogative Court of Canterbury - Sir Thomas Tyrell

The text here is from the Oxford Shakespeare (THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES PROB 11/17/263)

The document (part of which is below) is the Prerogative Court of Canterbury copy of the will, dated 26 August 1510 and proved 16 October 1512, of Sir Thomas Tyrrell (c.1453- 1510?) of Heron in East Horndon, Essex, one of the two most important retainers of John de Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford.

And the 12 day of February th’ Earl of Oxenford and ther [sic] Lord Aubrey Vere, his son, Sir Thomas Tuddenham, William Tyrrell and other were brought into the Tower of London. And upon the 20 day of the said month the said Lord Aubrey was drawn from Westminster to the Tower Hill and there beheaded. And the 23 day of the said month of February Sir Thomas Tuddenham, William Tyrrell and John Montgomery were beheaded at said Tower Hill. And upon the Friday next following, which was the 26 day of February, th’ Earl of Oxenford was led upon foot from Westminster unto the Tower Hill, and there beheaded, and after the corpse was had unto the Friar Augustines’, and there buried in the choir.

See Ross, James, John de Vere, Thirteenth Earl of Oxford (1442-1513), (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2011), pp. 39, 42.

The testator’s great-uncle, William Tyrrell (executed 23 February 1462) was the father of Sir James Tyrrell (d. 6 May 1502), alleged murderer of the two young sons of Edward IV in the Tower. See the ODNB entry and the pedigree of Tyrrell of Gipping in Metcalfe, Walter C., ed., The Visitations of Suffolk, (Exeter: William Pollard, 1882), p. 74 at:


TYRRELL of Gipping.

ARMS : Quarterly, 1. Tyrrell, 2. Coggeshall, 3. Lorgatt, 4. Flambert, and CREST of Tyrrell (as in VM. of Essex, Had. So;:., p. 314), impaling Per pale Gules and Sable, on a cross engrailed Argent five loztnges Purpure, on a chief Or three eagles' legs erased a la tjuiae Azure (Mondaye).

The arms of Tyrrell are different to those seen in St. Mary's Belchamp Walter

WILLIAM TYRRELL of Gippinge, co. Suff., Esq., third son to Sir Thomas Tyrrell of Heron, co. Essex, Kt., mar. Margaret, da. of Hubert Dareye of Essex, and by her had issue, SIR JAMES, Kt.

SIR JAMES TYRRELL of Gippinge, Kt., son and heir to William Tyrrell, mar. Anne, da. to Sir John Arimdell, and by her had issue -- SIR THOMAS, of Gippinge, co. Suff., Kt., son and heir; James, second son; Anne, mar. to Sir Richard Wentworth of Nettlested, co. Suff., Kt.

SIR THOMAS TYRRELL of Gippinge, Kt., son and heir to Sir James, mar. Margaret, da. of Christopher, Lord Willouylibye, and by her had issue, SIR JOHN, Kt., son and heir ; Anne, mar. to Sir John Glare of Ormesbye, co. Xorf., Kt.

SIR JOHN TYRRELL of Gippinge, son and heir to Sir Thomas Tyrrell, mar. Elizabeth, da, of Sir John Mondaye, Kt., and Mayor of London (1522), and by her had issue, JOHN, son and heir ; THOMAS, second son ; Edmond, third son ; Charles, fourth son ; George, fifth son ; James, sixth son : Vincent, seventh son ; Anne ; Margaret ; Jane ; and Alys.

JOHN TYRRELL, son and heir to Sir John Tyrrell, mar. Anne, da. to Sir John Sulyard of Wetherden, co. Suff., Kt.

The Gipping, Suffolk Connection

See my page on the Tyrell family of Gipping, Suffolk.

November 2023 - I see visits to this page presumably by someone who has found something on this page that was of interest. In some ways this is where the research starts in earnest. I have to expmnd on how I have researched these pages and the connections between the names of families in the region of Belchamp Walter.

The text and the quotes below have been taken from a number of sources. These need to have more cross-referencing performed on them......




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