Menu Medieval Graffiti

Medieval Graffiti in St. Mary's, Belchamp Walter

There are many examples of graffiti in St. Mary's church.

The font, the tower and on various other locations.

Belchamp Walter

As seen in the photo above the upside-down W symbols are quite common as quoted below from the Guild Chapel:

" The ‘VV’ sign is one of the most common apotropaic symbols and has been found throughout the Chapel. Traditionally thought to be an abbreviation of Virgo Virginum (Latin for Virgin of Virgins), it calls on the Virgin Mary for protection. Recent research suggests the ritual origins of the symbol might actually lie in Scandinavia as the sign appears in runic writing systems. "

The website also shows many images of this design.


Medieval Pilgrims' Ampullae

The Mathew Champion book - The lost voices of English Churches, describes the production of Medieval "souvenirs" that were produced for pilgrims.

The VV is described on the East Anglian Museum of Magic and Mythology website as:

" ...... double V, for Virgo Virginum, Virgin of Virgins, indicating Mary, Mother of God, and forming the W of Walsingham. (The VV symbol has also been used widely as an apotropaic device in house protection.) "

This page was updated 27 September 2021 - other pages visited on this day to follow.




  • Beliefs and superstitions medieval graffiti - http:// /wp-content/uploads/2017/02/ Beliefs-and-superstitions-medieval-graffiti- March-2018.pdf
  • The Norfolk Medieval Graffiti Survey - http://
  • VV W and M Symbols - http://
  • Mathew Champion's Blog - http://
  • Medieval Pilgrims' Ampullae - http:// ampullae.html - - East Anglian Museum of Magic and Mythology - - containers, called ampullae, were usually small, flat, bag-shaped, lead vials. Filled with holy water at the shrine and touched to the saint’s tomb or relic, they were worn hung around the neck.
  • Apotropaic magic - https:// - is a type of magic intended to turn away harm or evil influences, as in deflecting misfortune or averting the evil eye.
  • The lettter W - #:~:text= The%20Germanic%20/w/%20 phoneme was,the same with crossed Vs).


  • Medieval Graffiti - Matthew Champion - The lost voices of English Churches

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