Menu The Edwards

Edward 1 - Edward II and Edward III

In some respects the history of England, let alone Great Britain, started with the Edwards. Up to that time the Angevin Empire were using the country as their "land of fortune".

Edward I

Edward I was the eldest son of Henry III. - b. 1239 d. 1307 - King of England from 1272 to 1307. Edward I would have been Prince of Wales at the time of Sir John de Botetourt's birth.

The Thirteenth and Fourteenth centuries in Belchamp Walter and the country saw many changes which are not ready understood. The political landscape changed dramtically and the "ownership" of lands around the country changed considerably.

Names that I have determined with respect to Belchamp Walter's history seem to have significance to the country at large. The families of de Mowbray, de Beauchamp, Fitz Otho and Botetourt are a cases in point.

Edward II

Edward II (25 April 1284 – 21 September 1327) was King of England from 1307 until he was deposed in January 1327

Edward III

Edward III (13 November 1312 – 21 June 1377) was King of England from January 1327 until his death in 1377


Is John Botetourt Edward's illegitimate son?

Some geneological records claim that this is the case but The Foundation for Medieval Geneology say that this has been disproven. In any event Sir John de Botetourt was a wealthy knight and served both Edward I and his son Edward II.

When I say "served", Sir John is mentioned in Inquistions Post Mortem dated for both Edward I and Edward II.



  • Edward I of England - - https:// Edward_I_of_England
  • Edward II of England- https://
  • Edward III of England-
  • Journal of the Movements of King Edward I in Scotland, 1296 - - journal-of-the-movements-of-king-edward-i-in-scotland-1296/ - The Society For Medieval Military History
  • Inquisitions post mortem- https://
  • Elizabeth of Rhuddlan - - https:// Elizabeth_of_Rhuddlan

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