How get visitor information from Social Media
I purposely named this page as not to be a rant about Facebook. However, Social Media in general thrives on the harvesting of data from multiple sources. This is fundamental to its success and prevalence.
I have increasing noticed the "Log-in using Facebook or Google" and the inclusion of comment facilities on websites. Looking at the Facebook for Developers website there are many "initiatives" offered for the developer.

The fact that this is even suggested makes me question the use of Facebook - from the "Dummies"
A dangerous precident
.. but, a brilliant markint strategy. Definitely something the the phase "We need to do something clever with Social Media".
I started to look at this in November 2020. This was before it was suggested that the Village, well actually the Church, needed an eCommerce website so that it could sell merchandise in support of the maintenance of the Church Fabric. It was establised that soe sort of integration was needed with Social Media but it was not undertood what this actually meant. The discussion that ensued relating to this concept was more along the lines of what eCommerce platform we were proposing to use.
The problem with an innocent "plugin" that would allow visitors to your site to comment using Social Media what is not understood is what this actually unleashes the potential for abuse to take place. This is what happened with Cambridge Analytica in my opinion.