Menu LinkedIn


Some time ago I signed-up on LinkedIn. It seemed like a good idea at the time but it has now become a "business" and the constant "nagging" and unsolicited messages are getting a little tiresome.

Rather than providing a service for "professionals" it seems to be more of an on-line "head-hunter".


LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network on the internet. You can use LinkedIn to find the right job or internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships, and learn the skills you need to succeed in your career. You can access LinkedIn from a desktop, LinkedIn mobile app, or mobile web experience.

Creating a Personal Website

Ironicaly LinkedIn say that you should. I am saying that you might want to do this to avoid using LinkedIn!

LinkedIn give specific professions that they think should create their own website:

  • Board Members and Executives
  • Business Owners and Directors
  • Sales, Marketing and Communications Professionals
  • Finance and Banking Professionals
  • Design and Creative Professionals
  • Project Managers and Consultants
  • IT and Software Engineers
  • Legal, Management and Operations
  • Engineers
  • Public Personalities
  • Doctors and Specialist Medics

I don't think that LinkedIn are suggesting that these professionals code theit own personal websites, only that they employ someone who knows what they are doing to create and maintain one for them. However, in the case of IT abd Software Engineers I think that these should code their own, especially if they are involved with anything to do with the Internet.


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  • Reid Hoffman - https:// reidhoffman/?src=li-other&
  • About LinkedIn - curiously this is not on the main page.
  • Who needs a personal website? - https:// who-needs-personal-website-lerato-mabiletsa/

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