A redesign June 2024

Having tweeked the design of this website for a few years I have come to some conclusions on how the layout should change.

Having estabished that it is more than likely that a visitor will access my pages on a mobile device the pages should have a layout and menu/navigation that is more favourable to the small screen. This is not how the site started out and I have been trying over the years to make the layout render well on all screen sizes.

In addition to the rendering on different screen sizes the visitor that arrives on a mobile device will be interested in different things to a desktop user. The desktop user is more likely to be looking for a rechnical solution and more accustomed to complex menus.

Design Phylosophy

The "More" section is designed to be an alternative to the Expandable Dropdown Menu that does not display on the mobile rendering.

I started to add extra menus on my History Timeline page as I wanted an alternate method to select monarchs and centuries in Belchamp Walter's history.


A mobile user is a different kettle of fish

I have already made the Home page completely different for mobile and desktop.

Links to pages and links on page

The "More" menu has links in different colours.

By my earlier convention the links to other pages on the website are pale blue, links to parts of the page - pale yellow.

Conversion Rate

While this is difficulut to measure I feel that there are mor "click-throughs" on both technical and historical/local pages.


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