Local Pages about Belchamp Walter
These pages are my own research on the village and its history. The are completely un-official and should not be taken as definative source.
The research for these pages is laregly derivative and I have tried to quote my sources. There is some original material in the form of observation and photographs. If you want to use my material as a source please lt me know and I can advise you on what exactly is owned by me and to grant permission for its use.
Website Design
These pages are part of my experiments in Website Design. If you have found them and like my design please feel free to have a look around.
The Webmaster of this website is also the Webmaster for the Parish Council and used to be the websmaster of the Village Hall website. The ownership and administration of the Village Hall website has been transferred to a Village Hall Committee member.
Access of this page
I monitor accesses of my web pages on a daily basis. This page was accessed on the 7th August 2023 but it is not linked from other pages on this website. This being the case I am guessing that the page was found by someone making a Google or other search.
The formating of this page had not been updated to the current template. It has now.
The page was accessed on the 7th August 2023, four days after the ownership of the Village Hall Wordpress website was transferred to a Village Hall Committee member. At the time of writing this the Wordpress site is not working and the home page is showing a 404.
One of the good things about my method of website development is that I can work on the content when I don't have an Internet connection and/or my website is down for any reason. The website being down is, or has not, been a problem in the past.
Mobile Page
This page when accessed on 7th August was in a non-mobile friendly format. There were instructions to turn your phone to display a landscape view and there was not a top menu as you see here.
The reason for this page being accessed is also of interest. My best guess that it was someone looking for any information about the Belchamp Walter Village Hall website, which was belchampwaltervillagehall.co.uk and is now (but for how long?) belchampwaltervillagehall.wordpress.com - both of these URLs are too long in my opinion and that is why I registered bwvh.uk
Web searches could have been for any of the combinations of the above terms. I will have to make sure that Google re-indexes this page so that it can be found in future searches and that it shows as an impression in my Search Console reports.