How to Transfer a Wordpress Account
Menu Transfer a Wordpress Account

How to Transfer a Wordpress Account to a new Admin

This page describes the process of how this can be done and gives a little insight into why I wanted to do so.

Re-reading this page it does not make complete sense. It needs an edit.

To transfer the ownership of a Wordpress site to another user first you have to invite someone and make them an administrator. Once they accept the invite you can transfer the ownership to them.

Emails are sent by the system so that things do not get screwed up. In my case I was transferring to myself at a different email address and login Id.
The reason I did this was I wanted to refresh myself with the process and I had given my old log-in info to another user that I didn't want to invite just yet. It then depends on who you are logged in as. Logging in as the new user/admin I then changed the status of the old owner to "author".

The status being "author" you can make new posts but not pages in fact you cannot see pages. This is okay as I gave a direct link to the page that the person wanted.

It seems that this person edited a page that was not supplied to them, GDPR (the website address had been changed to the non domain), this page has now been moved to "Draft" and the logon supplied will not allow the pages to be seen in the WP interface. As a consequence they cannot be edited. The Safeguarding page can still be viewed if you have the URL but only I can edit it as I am the only admin. It is still out of date and due to the lack of communication I thought that would be the most frustrating. Actually, you can view it from the "Stats" screen but you still can't edit it if you are logged in as an "editor"


The process:

The user invited to join the team gets an email that when accepted:

As Admin the request can be approved (these two screenshots may be out of order)

Inviting a new administrator (made by the old admin)

The proposed admin will get an email:

The old admin will get an email:

The new "owner" will get an email:

I have no desire to be the webmaster of the Village Hall website

It took almost 2 months for the transfer of the account to the new owner and the site being subsquently broken to be noticed by the new owner. If fact the Belchamp Walter Village Hall website is broken is still not recognised. It only came to the attention to the new owner due to the fact that my page on the Village Hall on the Parish Council website was ranking just below the District Council page.

The page on the Parish Council website was created and was submitted to Google. This page was accessed by the new owner and the fact that the original questions and on-going discussion at the Village Hall Committee were not understood became even more obvious.

The Belchamp Walter Village Hall page has been deleted from the Parish Council website and a request for it to be removed from the Google index has been made.


When the notion of a web-presence for the Village Hall was first approached it was thought that there would be a page on the Parish Council website. At that time the Parish Council website was hosted on

The EssexInfo interface was worse than the Wordpress interface and EssexInfo eventually went out of exisitance. Parish Councils that were using this free service were then left with a task of finding an alternative solution for their legal requirement to have a website.

It was attempted to have an additional user tha could add and edit pages on the EssexInfo Belchamp Walter website. This proved to be unaccptable and the Village Hall decided to create their own Wordpress site.

Any pages on the Parish Council site will have:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex" >




  • Free Course - create-your-site - https:// create-your-site/
  • Help:Editing - https:// Help:Editing

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