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Hosting Reliability
Menu Hosting Reliability

Hosting Reliability

My experience with my current hosting service,, has been pretty good over the years that I have been using it.

Apart from the occasional SSL certificate (Lets Encrypt) installation on this website (and the Parish Council site) the sites have been up-and-running pretty much 24/7.

As I am not a professional organisation the requirement for a highly reliable service is not of prime importance. However, should that ever be the case it would be wise for me to ascertain what the reliability is like. say:

With respect to 8 things you can do to get 100% uptime

  1. Pick a trustworthy hosting company
  2. Use a content delivery network (CDN)
  3. Use high availability load balancing
  4. Monitor your service
  5. Have a backup plan
  6. Make sure autopay is enabled for your services
  7. Host your service in multiple data centers
  8. Backups should be kept off-site using a different hosting provider

Style Sheets on remote servers

Seeing as I develop my pages locally I linked the W3.CSS on one of my other servers. The consequence is that when they are down the formatting does not work properly.


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