pipdig Wordpress Theme
Menu pipdig Wordpress Theme

pipdig Wordpress Theme

Having reviewed my past work with Wordpress (.com) I have come across a few WP sites that I think are actually not bad!

Like all websites, no matter what platform you use, are a lot of work to get working the way that you want.

Rachel Arnold's website, Tracery Tales, uses a pipdig theme. There are many things to like about this website


What I like about Rachel's site

Apart from her content, the responsive nature of the theme works very well. There is a fixed top bar in a similar manner to my design. I need to expand this to my Parish Council design.

The theme for Wordpress that Rachel is using is called "Equinox" on the pipdig website. It is interesting to note that pipdig say that it will not work on wordpress.com. Again, hats off to Rachel as she is using wordpress.org.

The Gutenberg (Block) Editor

I have ranted about the Block Editor many times in the past.


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If you require a copy please email tempusfugit.me.uk



  • Tracery Tales - https:// www.tracerytales.uk/ tallacarne-monuments-rare-beauties/
  • Gutenberg editor - Very Buggy - https:// wordpress.org/support/topic/ very-buggy-39/
  • The worst part of WordPress - https:// wordpress.org/support/topic/ the-worst-part-of-wordpress/ - the Gutenberg Editor that is

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