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A Wordpress site that works
Menu A Wordpress site that works

A Wordpress site that works

Having reviewed the use of for creating a website once again I was impressed with a couple that I came across.

Surprisingly the website is for the Church of All Saint's Wimbledon.

I came across this website when I was researching the organ in St Mary's Church, I also found another WP site for Know your London which directed me to the Wimbledon site. The Know your London site is also quite good (Adrian Prockter) and it shares some of the things that I think make the Wimbledon site work.

As I have pretty much given upon Wordpress I would suggest that whoever takes the Wordpress site that I was "responsible" for takes a look at those websites. I am more than happy to point them in the right direction but it is a case that whoever takes charge does the work.

Prior to writing this page I took another quick look at the interface and after 3 years not doing much with it, I was confused. Not wanting to waste any more time trying to see where it currently stands!

Further to this observation I came across the Tracery Tales website of CCT's Rachel Arnold. Rachel's site uses a Theme from pipdig. Once again, although the template is not free, I think that it is worth it as is the fact that you really need to learn how to use Wordpress if you are going to use it!


The Key to why it works

No forms, which includes a contact (feedback)form.

Both the sites I mention just present information and there is no interactivity at all. Adrian Prockter not only does not have a contact form he also posts his email in the form of an image.


Not that anyone follows it!



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