Intuitive Menus and Page Layout
The key to an intuitive design is the combination of sensible and meaningful menus and logical page layout.
Not all pages have the same menu. The menu items shuld depend on the purpose and the content of the page. Links to related pages and topics should be placed in such a manner that encourages the visitor to follow them at the same time as making it clear where to find the required information. The reason for the visit in the first place.
Each page should be uncluttered and provide the visitor a means to navigate the website without excessive scrolling. The pages should be readable and navigable on all screen sizes and screen orientation.
Links to other pages
Along with a link to Site Map (or index of all pages) each page has a section for related pages, both on this website and external sites that you want to share with your visitors.
Note - since starting this page I have changed my view on a sitemap page or a small sitemap in a footer of a page (you may see this on other sites).