The Belchamp Blog

The Belchamp Blog

Having seen that the Belchamp Blog exists I cannot not comment.

I can't see how this will work. The platform that it currently runs needs to be converted to an interative nature. While this is possible as the platform used is possibly the most popular blogging platform, Wordpress.

However, this would require a lot of work and quite frankly if this was the intended reason for the "blog" then there are far better platforms that it could be acheived. These include both Meta's Facebook and Google's Blogger.

User Engagement

The main problem with the current manifestation of the Belchamp Blog is that there is not much chance of anyone actually using it! Those that use Social Media will want to continue to use Faacebook or whatever and are not likely to seek out another website on their devices.

The blog would need to have all the features that Facebook currently has.


What would be needed

The features that would be needed include:

  1. A means to allow users to log-in to the blog
  2. Allow the "members" to create their own posts and to make comments on existing posts
  3. Confirm that there is a mechanism to provide notifications when comments are made on the blog.




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