Outdated Content you will find on the Internet
I started this page when reviewing some of the topics that I had posted about in the past. Using Google Search Console I saw that there were queries being made that were finding some of my very old pages. Making some searches of my own using similar search queries I was quite appalled to find pages that were on things that were at least 10 years old! I had posted on some of these technical issues because I had used the programs I had documented and other technical issues that I was interested.
Many of the topics were mis-represented at the time, they certainly are now in 2021.
TechFixFix on getiplayer
They even have a video posted on YouTube dated 6 Mar 2020!
Zoom and Microsoft
Another example of out-of-date information is the dvice given by Zoom and Microsoft to enable users to download and run Zoom. It is not clear to me whether the issue here is with Windows 10 in S-Mode or with the general compatibilty of Zoom. An Internet search in March 2021 resulted in information from 2017.
Jan 2025 - I have just noticed that theguardian.com have: This article is more than X year(s) old at the top of some their articles.