The "free" site
The Village Hall website is currently a "free" site.
The major difference between a "paid" and a "free" Wordpress site is that the URL is not a "custom" address but one that assign to it for you. If you have a custom address (domain) then you will have to pay for the registration. If you start a new blog/website with they may do this for free.
Advertising on the "free" website
The reason that I place the "free" in quotes is that the you will have to accept that there will be advertisements on the site along with your content.
This advertising will not be as apparent to the blog/website owner as they will probably be signed-in to their site when they are both viewing it and adding/editing content. Visitors to the website will see all these ads and may find them annoying.
The reason that I started to look at what you actually get with a "free" Wordpress site was that I can across a blog that featured some of the content that I feature on this website. In addition, when I first took over the Village Hall website (that was hosted on I could not see why the Hall was paying for something that they could get for free. As this was the case I let the subsription expire and the "paid" site reverted to a "free" one. This met with complaints so I re-subscribed for 2 more years. When this expired in 2022 I decided to let it revert to a "free" site as there was little or no traffic to it and there was even less interest from the Village Hall Commitee.
To be honest, I have not checked if there are now advertisements on the VH site and I have had no complaints.
I may withdraw some of my content
Having read some of the comments on the "free" Lovejoy blog I have concluded that it might not be a place that I want to be!