Vitaly - the Google Report Spammer
How to remove this annoying query from your Google Analytics and Google Search Console reports.
I made a request to remove my page:, my intention was to remove this permenantly. Google tell me that If I make a (temporary) Removal Request and remove the file from my server it will become permenant, Apparently this is not the case.
The occurance of the query in the Google reports is puzzling as Donald Trump is no longer in the White House and has been banned from Twitter and Facebook. The talk of Russian interferrance in politics has become an issue from the past (or is it?). I can't really see the point of Vitaly Popov's efforts apart from the fact that he can.
At the present time I have 9 impresssions for this nonsense for a page that does not exist on my server!
The searches that I expect to see are: "pro-trump spammer over the letter g" and variations of the page title. These are some of the theories that I have about turning Impressions into Clicks
I originally had the title of this page as "Referrer Spam" (it is still the name of the URL).
I have now used the query itself as the title of the page as I am sure that it will be something that other webmasters would have seen and would be very interested in working out how to get rid of it from their reports.
At the present time I am a little non-plussed to understand how Vitaly does this and the "loop-hole" that seems to be part of Google's reporting system. I have made many searches myself but have yet to come up with a satisfying solution to the problem.
Raventools - Jon Henshaw
Jon writes about the subject and quotes guides by Mike Sullivan (links may be added here).
The responses to the article are interesting in the comment about not being responsible for others content.