Menu The Phillimore Domesday Translation

The Phillimore Domesday Translation - Little Domesday - Essex

Below is the Domesday entry for Thunderlow, ref 77a in the Phillimore edition for Essex:


Little Domesday

The copy I have is for the county of what is now Essex. This is folio 32 of the complete Phillimore publication. The last three folios are traditionally known as "Little Domesday" and contain Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk.

The fact that these counties were seperately reported in the General Survey tends to suggest that these counties indicate a relative importance of these regions over the rest of the country.
The author is not sure that this is the case and observes that there are vast areas of the country that we know of England are not accounted for in any of the Domesday Book. The balance of the county are contained in Great Domesday.

As the orginal, actual authors unknown, was hand-written in Latin the translation is likely to be questionable at best. The primary translator for Little Domesday was J.H. Round.




  • Little Domesday - https:// /domesday/discover-domesday/ little-domesday.htm
  • Hull Domesday Project - The Phillimore Translation - https:// /domesday-explorer/ the-electronic-data/ the-phillimore-translation
  • Interpreting Domeday - https:// /ukgwa/+/ https:// domesday/discover-domesday/ interpreting-domesday.htm

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