Menu John Horace Round

John Horace Round

I make reference to John Horace Round on many of my pages. Those specific to the Domesday survey and its interpretations

According to Wikipedia

(John) Horace Round (22 February 1854 – 24 June 1928) was an historian and genealogist of the English medieval period. He translated the portion of Domesday Book (1086) covering Essex into English. As an expert in the history of the British peerage, he was appointed honorary historical adviser to the Crown.

The translation of Domesday

Round was the accademic that translated Little Domesday into English.


The Burton Abbey Survey - Abbot Nigel - Benedictine monk

In 1905, after consulting an incomplete edition of the cartulary, the influential historian J. H. Round concluded that the survey attributed to Nigel (“Burton B”) could not have been made during his abbacy because it includes references to tenants whose lands were granted by his successor.
21 Having never seen either the roll or the cartulary, Round did not know that the latter includes additions made when the text of the roll was fair-copied after Nigel’s death. Walmsley, struggling to honor Round’s mistaken judgment, nonetheless showed that surviving portions of the roll closely match the corresponding entries of “Burton B,” minus these later amendments.
He even astutely characterized the roll as “a twelfth-century miniature of the Domesday procedure [ . . . an] in internal survey, or descriptio, of the Burton Abbey estates.” 22
Yet he did not fully realize that the roll’s entries had been made incrementally over a period of many years, although he did recognize that one entry explicitly references the death of Nigel, thereby providing a terminus ante quem.

Who Was Alice Of Essex? - By J. Horace Rourd, M.A - EASH - Tranascations of the Essex Archaeological Society, Vol III, p 249, 1889

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  • J. Horace Round - https:// J._Horace_Round
  • Cartulary - https:// Cartulary
  • Who Was Alice Of Essex? - By J. Horace Round, M.A - https:// transactionsess10socigoog /page/n295/mode/1up?view =theater&q=wentworth - ESAH Volume III

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