Menu Lovejoy

Google MyMaps

You may have found this Google custom map while making a search.

The purpose of this website is not for me to learn how to contruct a Google MyMap or to show you how to do so for yourself. I haven't provided a link to it as it only results in visitors leaving never to return.

Google MyMaps is another initiative to promote their business. In a similar way to Google+, their attempt at Social Media, however, MyMaps is still in existance.


Using the Google MyMap

This is a situation where the rendering on a SmartPhone seems to be a lot more use. At least when I view the map on Microsoft Edge I do not see an option to see street-view.

To actually see the information normally available on Google Maps I have to open another window and search for the location.



  • Lovejoy IMDB - https:// /title/ tt0090477/
  • Lovejoy Filming Locations - https:// /maps/d/viewer? mid=1ghT7iIp1KeKfVg54y5qGbzdoz2Q &hl=en_US&ll=51.47093395145342%2C -1.112571950000012&z=8
  • Google My Maps - https:// mymaps/
  • How to share a custom My Map - https:// 3109452? hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&sjid=6417345918415430383-EU

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