DNA and Artificial Intelligence
Menu DNA and Artificial Intelligence

DNA and Artificial Intelligence

With the currrent increased activity in Artificial Intelligence and the proponderance of advertising in the media for AncestryDNA, it bothers me that the confusion of who is descended from whom is going to get a whole lot worse.

My particular interest in this subject is not from the point of view of my own heritage, quiite the contrary, my interest lay in the history of the region in which I live. When I make a search for the names of former residents and those that are associated with the village I more than likely to find myself on one of the genealogical websites.

The Science Behind AncestryDNA - The Ancestry Insider -

The author of The Ancestry Insider had a posting on his blog relating to DNA testing and Ancestry.com - AncestryDBA had not been instituted at that time is more a product of the 2020's

Julie Granka, of AncestryDNA, spoke about “Understanding the Science Behind Your DNA Results” at the 2017 National Genealogical Society Conference


GEDCOM and the Contributed International Genealogical Index

The fact that Ancestry.org allow the uploading and downloading of family trees to their (or whoever's) database contributes to the confusion and potential for mis-information in my opinion.

Medical Information

One of the "selling points" featured on the AncestryDNA website is that genetic data relating to your hereditary probability of contracting medical conditions is also tracked and matched with other records in the database.

While this sounds like a good idea the question is: would you trust LDS with this information and isn't there a potential risk of that data being accessed by those that may be able to use that data in a manner that is not in your interest?




  • AncestryDNA - https://www.ancestry.co.uk/
  • Uploading-and-Downloading-Trees - https:// support.ancestry.co.uk/s/article/ Uploading-and-Downloading-Trees - using GEDCOM
  • The Science Behind AncestryDNA - http:// www.ancestryinsider.org/2017/05/ the-science-behind-ancestrydna.html

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