Menu The Bohun Family

The Bohun Family

Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford, fought and died at the Battle Boroughbridge in 1322


William Marshal

William Marshal appears on this page as I had found a reference to him in relation to monumental images described in John Kempe's book.

Making a search for William Marcshal (Temple Church) you will find a link to The Temple Church website. (I find the disclaimer on the Temple Curch Website a little draconain). William Marshall was Henry III's




  • The Bohun Family - https: // wiki/Bohun_family
  • The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain - Alfred John Kempe F.S.A. - 1832 - https:// gri_33125012248064/page/79/mode/1up? view=theater&q=bohun - there are also details on de Mandeville (Magnaville) and William Marshal (Temple Church)
  • Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford (1276 – 12 March 1322) - https:// Humphrey_de_Bohun ,_4th_Earl_of_Hereford - also 3rd Earl of Essex - third creation

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