Belchamp Walter Parish Council
When searching for Belchamp Walter Parish Council using the search "Belchamp Walter PC", I came across a page claiming to supply services to my local community to repair Personal Computers. As far as I know, this service does not exist.
If you are looking for such a service then you may wish to contact the webmaster, who possibly could help, as he is in Belchamp Walter.
If you are looking for information on the PCC, the Parish Church Council, there is not an official website for it. In fact the correct term for the Church Council is a the Parochial Church Council. The PCC and the Church of St. Mary Belchamp Walter do not have official websites.
Contacting the PC or the PCC
You can do this via the webmaster of this website.
The Website and the Parish Council Website are both admisitered by the webmaster of - in addition, the webmaster is also a Parish Councillor and a key-holder of the Church. also hosts the un-official website of St Mary's Church and all communication for the Church or the Village Hall can be made via this website.
Searching for Belchamp Walter PC
I have noticed that when you make a search for "Belchamp Walter PC" you get a result that includes a company that claims that it has repaired thousands of computers in the Belchamp Walter area. This is just not true as there are not that many homes in the area and certainly not that many computers.
What you are seeing here is a rather sucessful SEO campaign that manages to get the search to place the company ( at the top of the results list. are a company that repairs computer in London and the "Home Counties".
The following is auto-generated by
They are NOT located in Belchamp Walter, they may have 19 years experience but as far as I know they have never repaired a single computer in Belchamp Walter and there cannot be 12,000 computers in a community of just over 300 residents.
This would mean that every resident has had 4 computers repaired by them! I would suggest that if this were true and they were Windows computers that the the residents of Belchamp Walter should switch to Apple!