Menu Local Businesses

Local Businesses

Once again I find myself asking "How to the general public use the Interet?". Doesn't everyone use Google Maps? Surely if they see a business shown on the map don't they ask the question: "Is this a current business or just one that used to be at that locations?"

I was beginning to think that the reason that there was a location identified on Google Maps was due to an experiment in SEO and/or the use of the Google Maps API.

Asking one of the locals that does (did) run a business locally, as he uses the Internet extensively, he stated that he had not noticed the information that is currently (at the time that this page was written - 2022) seen on Google Maps.

As the residents of the village know there are many buinesses that are run from Belchamp Walter.


A review of this page

Having edited out quite a bit of content from this page I have decided that this a Hill that I don't wish to die!

J.A.P. Achitechs, Clare, Suffolk. Atelier Brown, Boynton End. Costa Coffee bad review.

A noindex meta tag has been added to this page.



  • hill to die on - https:// hill_to_die_on
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