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Join Brands

I am sorry I cannot help make a comment here. I was prepared to let this ride but current events have led me to the position that I feel I need to say something.

My major critisism is that this whole venture is too Social Media orientated. While this is pretty much my own problem as I despise pretty much all that I see on the platforms, I recognise that it is here to stay. That does not mean that I want that much to do with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. My desire is that if an Internet user searches for Join Brands, joinbrandslondon or other combinations that they could possibly find my pages.

While I have no wish to destroy or discourage anyone doing business with Join, I feel that the approach of an ethical and sustainable company a little much to believe. This is NOT what I see.

I see a lot of hypocrisy in the activities of the principles of the company and their customers.

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