Sun Dial Menu
A showcase slideshow
Menu A showcase slideshow

A showcase slideshow

This is an attempt in making the site more interesting to the casual or "chance" visitor. I have lots of photos, drone and otherwise and I have constructed a few slideshows in the past. This is still on-going but I thought that I would put a couple together using the new template.

There maybe some interaction between the library classes. The numbers work on the Downton slideshow but the caption text does not. It does work on the first controlled slideshow test page and the page that is still on the Village Hall hosting at

The version on the Village Hall is automatic and I changed the slide number and text caption to be white.


The Church gallery works well but using an old template and the pictures are too big on the screen even though they are responsive.

Automatic or manual?

The example I have on my carousel menu page is automatic and this may be better for mobile displays

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