In my critisism of geneological websites I was a little concerned that the information that was uploaded to the database that seems to be used by many sites (but one company) GEDCOM was becoming "poluted".
Corruption of the GEDCOM database
Having come across some instances of where there has been information in some exmaples of individual family databases I can only suspect that the mis-information occoured due to the upload of speculative data to the GEDCOM database.
The prime example of this is the data found in a record of the historu of Sir John Botetourt. This was found drilling down on a record for the Sarah May Paddock Otstott family who I found when I was researching the de Vere family. Both de Botetourt and de Vere are closely associated with the history of the village of Belchamp Walter. I also found a reference to RootsWeb with a general relation to the county of Essex, Boyds Essex. While I have not investigted the contents of the Boyd's Essex entries it is disturbing that this was revealed by a Google Bard result.