Reunion for Macintosh
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Reunion for Macintosh

The "My Maine Heritage" website was created and maintained by Kathrine Cole Aydelott, MLIS, PhD. - while I admire her work I do think that there is more than a small portion of misinformation being perpetuated through the corruption of the GEDCOM database.


This is not meant as a critisism of Kathrine Cole Aydelott, MLIS, PhD., but the use of services related to have proven less than helpful to my research.

In fact, the link that I found by drilling down on her rootsweb pages (or possibly another I found on RootsWeb)I came up with another profile for The Ancestors of Sarah May Paddock Otstott, featuring Aubrey I DE VERE. I also found a page on Sir John de Botetourt that perpetuates the myth that he was the illegitamet son of Edward I.

I have another issue of the statements that lineage of certain profiles state that there is a connection to Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, etc..

In quote that seems to appear on a lot of the RootWeb pages quote Weis, Frederick Lewis & Sheppard, Walter Lee, Jr,:
"Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700:

Lineages from Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and other Historical Individuals". p 227, 246D-25.

It could be the fact that there seems to be more interest in tracing your family roots back to Europe (UK) if you are American (North tht is).



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