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Menu Names from the Family Tree

Names from the Family Tree

When I started out on this project I was taking names from the Freer family tree that I found making an Internet search. While I cannot be sure I think that this may have lead to some confusion by some that had found my pages.

While a Family Tree diagram is very useful and the mainstay of many geneological websites, it is too easy to make things look simple. Just knowing who married whom, when they were born, died and where is often just the start. In my case with this website the more I get into my analysis the more complex this becomes.

Frederick Perry is a case-in-point

If you look at the list of names of the plaque in St. Mary's church you will not see a reference to the Frederick Perry name, but if you look at the tomb ouside the North of the former chantry chapel to Sir John de Botetourt you can make out his name through the moss and lichen.

Just to the West of Frederick's tomb is another to Emma Brereton R_____. Emma was the daughter of Samuuel Milbanke R and brother of JMSR (the great Restoration guy). Frederick and Emma's son, Clemont R___ Perry, became the rector of Mickfield, Suffolk. JMSR was the rector of St. Mary's BW. Rivalry perhaps?



JMSR's great great great grandson, Michael Murray John Raymond, is the father of the current owner of Belchamp Hall.
JMSR's son married Margaret Charlotte Montague Smythies of Colchester, 1884.




  • The Raymond family is documented here - link to Alan Freer's research - http://
  • St.Andrew Mickfield - http:// mickfield.htm
  • Recommendation for Award for Military Cross - Raymond Michael Murray John - https:// details/r/C9391427

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