What the author of this website did in a previous life
As an antithesis of Social Medis I thought that I have have a page that describes what I got up to before I authored this website.
Instead of the visitor to this site "trolling" through my profile to see where I went to school, was educated and where I was born, just because they saw that I was on someones "friend" list, anyone reading this would have had to follow a link from my About page.
My first encounter with technology is a BSc. in Electronics and Electrical engineering. This led to working on an L-band Transmitter Power Amplifier (TPA) that was launched into geosynchronous orbit on a major European communications satellite (ECS)
34/35 years in Canada. This seemed like a good idea and I could "trade" on my experience with satellite communications.
Having got frustrated with industry I thought it would be a good idea to return to, possibly, my roots. Worked for an American Military connector manufacturer (Amphenol - Bunker Ramo) and then a small company that manufactured equipment for the cable TV industry. I worked on the development of a TV satellite reciever.
Back to programming.
Web Development
I have now morphed into this. There is a connection here as the Object Oriented nature and the use of a Mark-up Language has been a recurring theme.