Passionate about Websites
Menu Passionate about Websites

Passionate about Websites through good coding

Since I started this website I have developed a website design that I am now pretty happy with. I have tried many approaches which have resulted in a number of formats.

The design is pretty much based on a template that was taken from the W3C Schools pages with some heavy modifications made by me. What I have tried to do is to document the code as I use it. This is particularly the caase with additions that I have made to the templates.

For example, the menus on this page are "responsive", in that they will display differently depending on the device that they are viewed.

The code used for this website is all "straight" coded, i.e. there is no use of a Content Management System. While I am aware of the major CMS platforms, such as Wordpress,I have either used them in the past and/or dismissed there use.


Modifications of W3 Templates

The modifications made to the templates are extensive and there is some original coding added that does not feature on the W3C pages. Examples and code are taken from a wide range of sources and I have attempted to document what I have done.

Search Engine Optimisation

Another ares that I have been roerforming research is SEO. Using the tools provided by Google and independent research I have managed to be able to get pages to appear in search results lists with high ranking. There are provisos to this in that the page content still needs to be unique.

I have applied these design and administrative techniques to a number of local projects. These have met with mixed response as do my history pages.


  • Google Analytics 4 - one of the Google tools used
  • W3 Templates - I find that these are a good starting place
  • CSS Frameworks - libraries of styling code that can be used to minimise your efforts and to provide a measure of consistancy
  • 2024

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