Other Search Engines
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Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo - plus others

Having fallen foul of posting content that I subsequently wanted to remove or modify, I started making the same queries using these other search engines.

It seems that the content was still showing in the SERPs of these search providers.

The removal of such information from these other services does not seem to be possible as Microsoft and the other providers do not provide the same tools as does Google. I am pretty sure that information could be removed if you know who to ask! In the meantime all I can do is to address the search as seen by Google and then wait to see if the other engines update over time.

Removal of content from these other services

Simply deleting the pages from my website does not remove the listing from the other services. In fact it would seem that I need to have a modified version of the original page.

This modified page(s) is needed for the page(s) to get reindexed. The problem is I need to add the names and keywords used to make the search back to the page. This is problematic for me as I have said that I have removed the posts and I don't want to change the content to reflect a positive view to counter what I had said before.


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