Oops! That page can't be found
This is the Wordpress "File not found" default page. It is displayed when a page is accessed by a link or referral when it either does not exist or has not been published. i.e. it is still in "draft" or another reason.
There are plenty of pages that can be found if you search for this problem, it is unlikly that this page will be found and accessed if it is in the Search Engine Index.
I have seen this on a Wordpress account that I transferred to a new admin that frankly does not know what they are doing. This issue here is that the Wordpress site will look different if you are logged into your account and will appear normal. This first link below gives a clue to this but it is not recognised by those who participate in the thread.
The error seems to be reported by those that have migrated their sites, or the content, to a new site. It is also triggered but other settings within the Wordpress account.
The solutions/comments of the Wordpress Blog - found Googling the problem
These give a few hints to why Wordpress users may be seeing this error. Whatever the reason that a file cannot be found the same error message is displayed.
There could also be a connection to the fact that changes were made using the Wordpress Android/iOS phone app.