Mobile Test Page
As it more than likely that my pages will be found and then viewed on a mobile phone I have made a few changes to how the pages render in such devices.
This is an extension to my work on making my pages "responsive". I think that there is more to responsive design that just getting the page to be read on a phone screen.
Although more difficult to maintain having pages that display differently depending on the viewing device is often advantageous. For example, a local page is more likely to be accessed by someone local making an Internet search and will be viewed on a phone. Someone searching for a technical issue or a historical page can be on any device.
Before I commit to making too many changes on pages I need to test these "enhancements" on a few pages. A good place to start are pages that I see are getting clicks.
Conditional display of content
This page (the code that is) will have examples of this and hence the name "Mobile Test Page".
Page Menu items can also be conditional.
For example, the Design and SEO menus are hidden for the menu on this page. This will be different on Local and History pages.
In a similar manner to other "enhancements" this needs to be tested on a few pages to confirm this is what I want.