Accessing this website on a mobile
So far I have been concentrating on getting my page found when making a search.
While the SEO stuff is important the experience when a mobile visitor acceses my home page dictates that it has a radically different appearnace and means of navigation.
I have moved the enews and Village Hall pages to the Parish Council website as they are the most likely to be accessed on a mobile device. I may have to do the same treatment on the Parish Council website.
Parish Council
I could have a link to the Parish Council website on the "mobile" page, this would not be seen on a large or medium display.
When my websites are found by those aking a search they are either looking for something that I have posted about the village of Belchamp Walter or they are looking for SEO techniques. If they are the former they are also likely to be looking for events at the Village Hall. This is why I have moved the pages to the Parish Council website as the domain has the village name in it. It was confusing to have tempusfugit on the URL as possibly displayed on a phone.
Seeing that the current "official" Village Hall Website has been broken by the new owner of the Wordpress account searches for the hall now result in a listing for Braintree District Council (BDC) which has a link to the Wordpress site - the home page currently cannot be found! When a search for the Village Hall is made on Google my page on the Parish Council will appear in the result just under the BDC result. The Wordpress site does not appear in the list as Google have dropped it due to a file not found error. There is a similar behaviour for the up-coming quiz.
Menu Button/Icon
I think that I may have a more elegant solution to this on a mobile page but I still think that the mobile user will get confused.
Here is my solution
This is the Parish Council currently:
What I have tried to do is to keep a uniform "feel" between my desktop and mobile rendering. The green bar at the top of the screen is common to both designs (image on left - if you are viewing on a desktop).
The "Hamburger" menu is more traditional, but I think is less elegant.
Links Menu Item
The "Links" button on the overlay menu is suppressed on this and the index page as the home page has the links section suppressed.