Pinning a Facebook Post
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Pinning a Facebook Post

Facebook Post Pinning is an attempt by Facebook to allow their users to make their Facebook pages more like a proper website. It is not only annoying it is an indication that the use of Facebook by those that use this technique are using the wrong platform to promote an event or an opinion.

Hootsuite say:

" A pinned post is a social media post saved to the top of your page or profile on Facebook or Twitter. Pinning a post is a great way to feature an important announcement or highlight some of your best content. "

I disagree, I think that it is a pretty dumb way of featuring content.


The problem with this technique

The major problem is that pinning allows the administrator of the Facebook profile to infuence what the profile displays when another Facebook user accesses the page. This distorts the presntation of the information and new posts are therefore suppressed to appear below the pinned post.

While this may be the desired intention it does not give the uninitiated visitor a true vision of what is current.




  • Pinned Post - https:// pinned-post/
  • Facebook Group Pinned Posts 2023: A Simple Guide - https://
  • How to pin a post on your Facebook page - https:// how-to-pin-a-post-on-your-facebook-page/

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