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Searching the Internet for Belchamp Walter

If you make as search for a place name/village name on the Internet you will most likely find websites that will tell you how much house prices are in that location.

If you are looking for more specific information, on the Church or Village Hall for example, then you have to be more specific.

I am pleased that the Parish Council can be found at the top of the Google search, but that is not surprising as it is specific. I cannot compete with large, popular sites such as Braintree District Council so the listing for the Village Hall will probably always be below it in a search reasult.

Other searches, such as those for listed buildings in Belchamp Walter and the general history, while they are in the results are often lower down the list.



As this website matures I have found that I have more experience with Search Engine Optimisation. If there is unique content on my pages then they will be found when making a Google search.

As I say above I am not likely to "beat" the BDC in the search rankings for "Belchamp Walter Village Hall", I can come pretty close to the top of the list.


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  • Webmaster Guidelines - 🔗 - according to Google - how to configure a website so that it stands more chance of being found in a search

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