The Anarchy - 1138 to 1153
This was a period of history after the White Ship Disaster. It is related to the situation that existed as a consequence of the "power struggle" between King Stephen and the Empress Matilda.
The Anarchy was a civil war in England and Normandy between 1138 and 1153.
Many Motte and Baily castles were built and subsequently ordred destroyed as a consequence of the Treaty of Wallingford - 1153

The relevance to Belchamp Walter's history is that the region "changed hands" many times possibly as a consequence of who suppoerted whom at the time.
Geofrey de Mandeville, first Earl of Essex, held the land as he was given it as a marriage settlement when he married Roshe De Vere in 1144?
Background to this page
Having seen some of my history pages being found by those making an Internet search I have decided to add a bit more context on how the pages came about.