Wordpress Themes
Having played around with various Wordpress sites over the years I feel that Wordpress Themes are not well understood.
When I took over the Village Hall website it was using the 2017 theme, not surprising as the site was originally setup in 2017. In short the theme did not present the site in a format that was in keeping with a Village Hall website. The bog-standard 2917 theme had stock images of NY skylines and pot plants, nothing that would suggest a Village Hall. I supplied an areial photo of the village and this was intially used on all pages.

When I started the Practice site I (think) that I chose the Front Page theme. I have added a "log-in/log-out" menu option (this was in the block editor and it seems to work!).
The screenshot above was taken of my practice site after playing around with the interface and trying to select a theme tha had a menu system.
That being said there is no "Menu" option in the user interface to edit the menu as there was in the VH site. I am now of the impression that this is a feature of both the selection of theme and whether you have a paid subscription.