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The White Van
Menu The White Van

The White Van

Being suspicious of the unknown is probably a good thing, but "The White Van" maybe going too far!

In this context the "White Van" could be any colour but the driver and cargo are unknown. The vehicle could be a delivery van or simply privately owned, but it is not known to the person or persons that spot it in their vicinity. The assumpsion is the the drivers or occupants are "up-to-no-good" and the community needs to be made aware of them!


An example of a "White Van" post from Facebook:

17 Dec 2020

Dear All,
A villager has asked me to pass on the following from this morning.

"We had intruders at 4am this morning. The police say they could have been doing a recce with a view to returning at a later date. You might wish to check your premises first thing for any sign of disturbance….. please put word around."

I do have a phone number if you would like to discuss this further with the resident.
Please send a message.

A reply/comment

When was this ? A green series III Land Rover coasted slowly and noisily through the village at 3.30 am on weds morning

The following should be on the History of the Village Facebook page page.

Yarnsmith is in Belchamp Walter. The post was made April 2 2014 - the friends Facebook page was setup 25 July 2013


Should you be local, don't miss the grand Yarnsmith Spring Clean Sale at the Yarnshed.
Many skeins, balls and packs half price!
Thursday 10th April 10.00am - 1.00pm.
Monday 14th April 1.00pm - 5.00pm.
Tuesday 15th April 10.00am - 2.00pm.
Plesase pm me for any further details!

This looks like blatent advertising to me! Not that it was stated that this was not allowed but considering that not averyone could post on the Facebook page at that time it seems a bit self-serving.

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