Menu GoodThyngs


This service is currently being used by our local church to fundraise by having a qr-code that is printed on fliers in the church and on publications related to the church.

I have no doubt that this is a viable service and is used by many, including charities, to raise funds. The question I have is "why is it so difficult to find out how much it costs and how much can you expect from a donation?". Making a search for this directly it can be found and it is not much different from other services. In fact it is competative with other services and is quite reasonable.


How much does it cost?

The goodthyngs website says:

" Eligible charities can use Good Thyngs for free. When a donation is received, a 2.5% fee will be deducted by Stripe or PayPal, in addition to their own payment processing charges (currently around 1.4% + 20p). This means that a £10 gift will result in a net donation to your charity of roughly £9.41, or £11.91 if the donor makes a valid Gift Aid declaration. By way of comparison, the same £10 donated via JustGiving would result in a net donation of only £11.74. "

Charity Fund Raising

Thyngs is used by Macmillan to fund raise for the popular coffee mornings


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