Menu Recent History of Belchamp Walter

Recent History of Belchamp Walter

Since I have removed some of research links from this website I am now starting a page for the recent history of Belchamp Walter.

The recent history covers the period of the 20th Century. The history of the village is reasonably documented by articles in the Local newpapers. In addition there are accounts collected from current and past residents, these have been presented in the Church as a display that featured copies of stories taken from research made by current residents.

The history presented on these pages is mainly for the period preceeding this "recent" era.

Family Trees

Much of the history relating to the "middle" and "recent" years has been taken from the family tree of The Descendants of William the Conqueror by Alan Freer.

I have removed my research links to some of the more contemporary names as it is not my intention to further the research of those building their own family trees.


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